Bread Pudding

Today we propose you to prepare the Cuban bread pudding recipe, a delicious traditional sweet that all of us should taste. This is one of the most prepared and tasted homemade recipe in our island, from generation to generation. Sure, at home your grandma or your mom use to delight to everybody with this delicious

Papaya Smoothie

papaya smoothie
This Papaya Smoothie as it is call in the occident of Cuba and in other regions around the world, is very refreshing and perfect for any occasion. In we had already mentioned in other occasions, when we spoke about the recipe to make sweet, its properties and benefits for health. The truth is that with

Cuba Libre drink

If you travel to Cuba, you cannot miss to have a drink of Cuba Libre, the most popular dark drink of the island. CUBA LIBRE Cocktail Did you know that it is not only famous in Cuba, but also, all over the world? Sample of the great popularity that the Cuban cocktail has. For instance,

Guava Shells

cascos de guayaba
If we talk about the traditional Cuban desserts, it is obvious that guava shells cannot be missing; they are very nice and easy to make. Guava is a plentiful fruit in Cuba; reach in vitamin c and nutrients, so that its pulp can reduce the levels of LDL in the human organism. Among its different

Cuban Rice Pudding Recipe

One of the most desired Cuban dessert; it is about rice pudding, a traditional recipe, homemade, of easy elaboration and super creamy. After a nice food, there is nothing better than finish with a delicious dessert, all the family and the rest of the guests at home will get perplexed desiring that their ration never


This delicious dessert is the favorite for most of Cuban, it has a very creamy and soft texture that fascinates all people who taste it. It is said that it had aphrodisiac powers, during the medieval period, the true is that we are not sure, what we can state with absolute certainly is that it