Cuban Pizza

Cuban Pizza
Dare to prepare a delicious and easy homemade Cuban pizza recipe? If your answer is yes, you're in luck because that's our proposal for today. Cuban pizza is characterized by being a very simple recipe since the availability of other ingredients on the island is somewhat limited. But the truth is that the result is

Barbecue Ribs

Barbecue Ribs
Barbecue ribs are made for success in the kitchen, and today I'm going to show you how to prepare them with the easiest recipe in the world. Have you ever smelled the unmistakable aroma of freshly baked BBQ ribs? Have you wondered how to achieve that perfect balance between caramelized sweetness and the juiciness of

Roast Duck

Roast Duck
Have you ever wondered how to cook duck? Let me tell you, it's much simpler than most people think. And you're going to love this roast duck because it has tender and juicy meat, crispy skin, and that beautiful golden appearance we all love. The extra touch is provided by a simple glaze that, in

Cuban Chicken Croquettes

croquetas cubanas de pollo
Have you ever tried authentic Cuban chicken croquettes? If not, you're about to discover a culinary delight that stands out significantly from any other croquette you've tasted before. Surely you're wondering, what makes these croquettes so special? It's not a secret, but still, today I'll share it with you. Keep reading and discover the secret

Fried Pork Chunks

Fried Pork Chunks
Cubans love fried pork chunks, but there's a problem: they don't always turn out as perfect as we'd like. This is the most common question I get on social media: how to make the pork chunks juicy yet well-browned and full of flavor. If you experience the same issue, I have the perfect solution for